Tips to keep your classic car running like new

Maintaining a classic car can be a challenge here in the Walford, MD area, but it’s well worth the effort. Keeping your classic car in great condition will not only make it look and feel great but also help it run better for longer. Here are some tips from us at BES & Associates Insurance to help keep your classic car running like new.

Tips to keep your classic car running like new

1. Regular Maintenance and Tune-ups:

Regular maintenance and tune-ups are essential for keeping your classic car in peak condition. Change the oil regularly and check all the filters, spark plugs, belts, tires, and lights to ensure they are all working properly. Any worn-out parts should be replaced immediately to prevent further damage or expensive repairs down the road. 

2. Cleaning & Waxing:

Make sure you clean and wax your classic car regularly to protect it from dirt, dust, and moisture that can lead to corrosion. Use a specialized cleaner for vintage cars and always use a high-quality wax that is suitable for your vehicle’s finish type. 

3. Storage:

When storing your classic car for extended periods of time, make sure you use either an indoor or outdoor storage facility designed specifically for automotive vehicles. This will provide the best environment for your vehicle since temperature fluctuations will cause metal components to expand and contract thus leading to accelerated wear over time. 

Keep Your Classic Car Insurance Updated

By following these tips on regular maintenance, cleaning & waxing, storage solutions, and using proper repair & replacement parts, you can ensure that your classic car will remain running like new for many years to come!

For more tips and to get coverage for your classic car, call us at BES & Associates Insurance today. We are proud to serve the Walford, MD area and would be happy to help.